2015: A Year in Review


It has been an awfully busy year.

BARC Flea Market

BARC Flea Market

Starting the year off with a bang VECTOR participated in the always-popular Burnaby Amateur Radio Club Annual Swap Meet… and left with far less than we arrived! Whether that is a good or bad thing is a matter of personal perspective. In 2016 BARC will hold its annual swap meet on March 6.

We can all be super proud of our training team: over thirty (!) new hams have joined our ranks thanks to our ever popular Basic Amateur Radio License Course and super effective training staff.

CERV at ShakeOut 2015

CERV at ShakeOut 2015

Speaking of unsung heros, thanks to Keith VE7SD for keeping the CERV running for yet another year. The CERV was dispatched this year for display at EP Week in May, a multi-agency command vehicle show-and-tell event in June, The Great BC Shakeout in October, and of course also took it’s usual centre-stage place at Field Day operations in late June.

Field Day 2015 was an enjoyable time with many of our newer members getting a chance to make HF contacts for their first time! Thanks everyone for taking time to be an Elmer for new amateurs and visitors alike.

In the heat of the summer Celebration of Lights gave our members another opporunity to exercise equipment and skills. Our APRS GPS tracking and reporting radio fleet was featured in a demonstration of local Vancouver software firm CommandWear’s public safety application.

This year your society has had a laser like focus on improving our documentation, refining our policies and procedures, and extending the detail found in our activation plans. Task groups formed this fall for Operations, Logistics, and Planning have proven to be incredibly productive with a high rate of idea flow and practical deliverables that step up our game considerably.

Outgoing Secretary Andrew VA7VCO did yeomans duty managing the modernization of our constitution and working with President Gary VA7GWM and city representatives delivered a Memorandum of Understanding between VECTOR and City of Vancouver, a historic first for our society.

2015 was a busy year indeed!