2015 VECTOR Annual General Meeting


The VECTOR 2015 Annual General Meeting will be held on December 2nd, 2015 at 7PM at the E-Comm Centre at 3301 East Pender Street.

We strongly encourage our members to attend this annual event. Past years have been well attended and we ask our members to arrive early to allow security to process everyone.

Membership renewals ($15 payable by cash or cheque) will be processed starting at 6:00 PM and will be cut off at 7:00 PM, the start of the meeting.

Members in good standing are eligible to vote on motions, nominate and stand for Board positions, and elect nominees to the Board.

Following the AGM refreshment and snacks will be served. To assist our planning efforts, we ask you acknowledge your attendance using a sign up form that will be sent to you shortly.

At this time I would like to thank the membership for your participation and patience throughout the year. Vector has gone through some significant changes this year, and should prove to only strengthen our relationships with the City of Vancouver, Vancouver Police Department, and Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services. On behalf of the entire organization , a special thanks to this past years Board, Hiroshi Takahashi, Andrew Martins, Sarah Wu, Mike Montour, Jessi Neri, Robert Trowhill, and Michael Watkins, without your efforts and dedication we would not be where we are today. And two last acknowledgements, Kris Hayne, our City rep. and Kevin Bernardin, our VPD rep, thanks you for your continued support.

Thank You
Gary Webb
Vector President