CBC Fault Lines
Posted ; tagged with earthquake, podcast
CBC Vancouver seismologist Johanna Wagstaffe produced in 2016 a multi-part radio series entitled Fault Lines. The program explores earthquake scenarios for British Columbia and will cause you to think hard about personal preparedness. Share with your family, friends and co-workers and remind them they can ease any sense of discomfort they may have with this subject by taking steps to develop their own emergency plans and prepare.
Show downloads are available at the Fault Lines page.
With a Podcast app you can subscribe (free) to the series and take episodes with you on your smartphone or other device.
Need a Podcast app?
- For Android: AntennaPod is a straightforward, free, Open Source podcast app.
- For Apple iOS: In the built-in Apple Podcast app, visit the Library tab, click “Edit” in the top right corner then click on “Add a Podcast by URL…” menu choice.
A earthquake that results in widespread damage and casualties will visit our region. It’s why members of VECTOR invest their time in helping make our community more resilient. Have a listen and don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to improve your personal preparedness situation.