
Emergency Preparedness Week

City of Vancouver Emergency Preparedness Week 2016 Our partner the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) of the City of Vancouver facilitated a terrific location for our exhibit; we were positioned in the centre of all the action adjacent to Emergency Social Services, Disaster Support Hub and Vancouver Volunteer Corps stations and directly opposite the popular Vancouver Fire & Rescue Services exhibits. Continue reading (600 words)...

2015: A Year in Review

It has been an awfully busy year. BARC Flea Market Starting the year off with a bang VECTOR participated in the always-popular Burnaby Amateur Radio Club Annual Swap Meet… and left with far less than we arrived! Continue reading (400 words)...

VE7VCT 2M Repeater Offline

Attention VECTOR Members: Our 2 meter VE7VCT repeater (145.45 MHz, input -600 kHz) will be off-line until August 9th. This repeater has been operating in test mode for a couple months but as of August 9th it’ll be on the air 24/7. Continue reading (100 words)...