
VPD Chief Constable Jim Chu Retires

Chief Constable Jim Chu asked that his message be sent to all his volunteers. He will be greatly missed, and on behalf of Vector I would personally like to thank the Chief for his exceptional work and his support and recognition put forth to the volunteers that support our great community. Continue reading (500 words)...

This is an archive page documenting the composition of the VECTOR Board of Directors for 2015. The current management team page is always found at /about/executive/.

The 2015 Board of Directors wishes to express its gratitude to retiring director and membership secretary Lili Bouchard. Thank you so much for your service and input to the board.

The following members were elected to the Board of Directors by acclamation at the 2014 Annual General Meeting of the members of the Vancouver Emergency Telecommunications Organization (VECTOR):

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2014 VECTOR Executive & Board of Directors

This is an archive page documenting the composition of the VECTOR Board of Directors for 2014. The current management team page is always found at /about/executive/.

The VECTOR Board of Directors would like to thank Katie McPherson, Manager, Emergency Planning, City of Vancouver, for her contributions to the board earlier this year as a Director. In mid-2014 Kris Hayne assumed the role of director-representative for the City of Vancouver.

VECTOR members at the 2013 Annual General Meeting elected the following members to posts on the board:

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