2020 VECTOR Board of Directors

This is an archive page documenting the composition of the VECTOR Board of Directors for 2020. Please find the current governance team page at /about/executive/.

Now in our 21st year of continuous program delivery, VECTOR is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization registered in accordance with the British Columbia Societies Act. Our management team is selected each fall by members at the Annual General Meeting of the society.

On 18 June 2020, Anthony VE7XAK accepted an invitation to serve on the board to allow Mike VE7WV to focus on other areas of emergency communications, including technical aspects within VECTOR.

The mid-year Board of Directors:

President VE7DET, Jessé Neri
Vice President VE7TYS, Tyson Nicholas
Treasurer VE7XAK, Anthony Tai
Secretary VA7MCZ, Harondel Sibble
Directors VE7SFA, Kevin Cardinal
VE7PXG, Paul Gill
VA7PMK, Prem Marimuthu
VE7LMP, Linda Peterson
VA7DPO, Darryl Pogue

The board thanks outgoing treasurer Mike Watkins for his long service on the executive. He served many years through terms as a director, secretary, and president, before serving as interim treasurer.

On 4 December 2019, members elected from their peers the following to serve on the 2020 Board of Directors:

President VE7DET, Jessé Neri
Vice President VE7TYS, Tyson Nicholas
Treasurer VE7WV, Mike Watkins
Secretary VA7MCZ, Harondel Sibble
Directors VE7SFA, Kevin Cardinal
VE7PXG, Paul Gill
VA7PMK, Prem Marimuthu
VE7LMP, Linda Peterson
VA7DPO, Darryl Pogue

Please see our Contact page for contact information for membership and general enquiries.

The board thanks for his counsel and service outgoing director Patrick Jackman who spearheads the Radio Skills Course. Vice-president Hiroshi Takahashi retires from the board after many years of service; we thank him for his tireless efforts in leading our Amateur Radio Basic Certificate of Proficiency Training Course that has literally trained and produced hundreds of local area hams. Treasurer Sarah Wu also retires from the board after many years of service. Past president Mike Watkins agreed to remain as a board officer and will serve as Treasurer.

Advisory Council

Currently serving on the VECTOR Advisory Council are:

  • VE7TDK Staff Sgt Kevin Bernardin, Vancouver Police Department (VPD)
  • Kris Hayne, Vancouver Emergency Management Agency (VEMA)

Recent Boards of Directors

Correction, 2021-10-16:

We had missed expressing our gratitude for Sarah’s service over more than 8 years and noting her departure.