VECTOR February 2022 News
Previous newsletters can be found in the archive.
Disaster Response Routes identification program discontinued
The Disaster Response Route identification system is being discontinued. DRR stickers and decals are now historical items only.
Volunteers Vaccinated
Step 1 - Map Your Neighbourhood
Last spring, Mika McKinnon reminded us how party planning can jump start our disaster preparedness (Party Planning for Apocalypse). Dunbar Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness coaches people into getting prepared in a small “ice-breaking” activity: Map Your Neighbourhood.
Tips using Loomio
Using google groups and emails makes dialogue together more challenging. The Board started tinkering with Loomio in 2021 and found it more enjoyable.
Overcoming Vaccination Verification Challenges
The vaccine verification process helps VEMA understand who to activate if a disaster happens while COVID-19 health risks continue. VECTOR runs auxiliary communications at 17 sites across the city for the Vancouver Emergency Management Agency.
What is readiness in VECTOR?
The COVID-19 pandemic has limited in-person day-to-day VECTOR activities. How does the pandemic impact how ready we are to jump into action during a disaster?
Earthquake Scenarios Talk - Recording Available
VECTOR January 2022 News
Previous newsletters can be found in the archive.
Understanding Risk BC 2021 Speaker Videos Ready