Participants in our weekly net noticed a staccato-like voice drop out issue with the VE7TEL (145.170 -600) repeater. While the issue made communications a little challenging, net control and stations persevered as ham radio operators are inclined to do. Continue reading (300 words)...
NOTE: Our March 1 member meeting will be held in the Hastings Community Centre two blocks to the west of the Vancouver EOC, directly across from the PNE. Continue reading (500 words)...
VECTOR will host a table once again at the annual Burnaby Amateur Radio Club Swap Meet. This extremely popular event provides local radio amateurs the opportunity to buy and sell equipment and is a significant fund raising activity for our organization. Continue reading (300 words)...
The January 2017 session of our popular Amateur Radio Basic License Course (details) is full.
To add your name to the waiting list for our March session, please leave your contact details on this secure form. Continue reading (100 words)...
This is an archive page documenting the composition of the VECTOR Board of Directors for 2017. The current management team page is always found at /about/executive/. Continue reading (300 words)...
The following slides were presented during the VECTOR 2016 Annual General Meeting held on December 7, 2016.
To view the slides in an external browser window: [2016 In Review](https://docs. Continue reading (100 words)...
QST: All local radio amateurs
VECTOR has published its current radio frequency list as a resource for all local radio amateurs: http://vectorradio. Continue reading (200 words)...
This is a duplicate notice – all current members received via email notice of our AGM on October 18, 2016. Please see your email for a RSVP link -or- email secretary@vectorradio. Continue reading (300 words)...
With sadness today we have learned of the passing of Doug Barry, VE7WLF / VE7TP.
Michel Latendresse, Deputy Chief - Emergency Management Division, Delta Fire Rescue & Emergency Services, shared the sad news with the British Columbia emergency management community today: Continue reading (400 words)...
On July 5 The Vancouver Emergency Community Telecommunications Organization (VECTOR) was recognized by Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson as a 2016 recipient of the Vancouver Awards of Excellence. Continue reading (200 words)...